Why Small Dimensions Are A Big Deal in Manufacturing

Precision manufacturing means consistently producing parts that have dimensions with very fine tolerances, usually measured in microns or 10-6 meters. This is entirely possible when using good CAD/CAM digital equipment and modern, high-speed cutting tools. But there are some other practical considerations on the small scale that go beyond the equipment used, because all materials […]
Tips For Verifying A Supplier Remotely

As a product developer, you may be wondering how you can verify the integrity of your supply chain during these uncertain times, with so many quarantine and travel restrictions in place. While it may be difficult or even impossible to visit a supplier in person, there are still some things you can do to help […]
What Is A Coordinate Measuring Machine Used For?

One of the essential workhorses for product verification is our coordinate measuring machine. We use it every day to qualify rapid prototypes and production parts that have complex geometries with tight tolerances. Learn more about how this versatile machine is one more way we ensure every part we make meets and exceeds your expectations. CMM […]
The Micrometer, Its Parts, and Why It’s Essential for Making Quality Parts

The micrometer helped to create accuracy in modern manufacturing. What is a micrometer? A micrometer is a sensitive tool for making accurate measurements of linear dimensions. It’s one of the most important measuring instruments ever made. It has a rigid C-shaped frame. One side has an anvil that is fixed, and on the other side […]
Updating the Metric System to Improve Measurements of Mass

The original promise of the metric system was to connect all essential units of measurement (time, distance, force, etc.) to an unchanging natural law. To date, this has never been possible with mass, which was instead based on an object. Now, scientists may have finally found a way to conquer that challenge, eliminating a major […]
The Art of Inspecting Material

Manufacturing high-quality parts requires using high-quality material. Find out how Star Rapid tests all incoming material before manufacturing.